Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Gang

In my gang there are Hye Jin, Min Kyung, Hye In, Youn Ji, and Yoon Ah. We usually hang out together because we speak same language and have lived in a same country. When someone is new to a school, that person will probably try to find someone from the same country and someone who looks familiar. And that's what I did when I first came here.
Hye Jin is someone I'd call first if I'd wanted to watch a movie with someone. She came to India in the same year I did and in 5th grade we were in a same class where we became really friendly. In middle school, I had a lot of classes with her and got to know her better. She's a little shy but she's really kind and she's always cheery.
Min Kyung and Youn Ji have been living here in India for a long time. So when new kids had problems, they could ask for solutions to any one of them. They are also good at English and have been in French or Spanish before any one of us so we get a lot of help from them.
Hye In and Yoon Ah are the most recent members of the gang. Even though they are new, they had such good personalities that we became friendly easily.
But the biggest reason we stick together is that we are from a same country and feel comfortable being together.